We authenticate items from these labels:
LOUIS VUITTON (we specialize in Louis Vuitton authentication)
We completely understand how scary it can be, buying a luxury item online or from someone you don’t know. And we have seen extremely well-copied replica bags. But a replica is a replica and there are signs that’ll give it away.
Ideally, we’d love to authenticate before you buy something to save you from that trouble. But if you have bought something, we can still authenticate for you for your peace of mind.
Hire Us To Authenticate For You!
We are proud to announce that we have authenticated thousands of items since we started.
If you need us to authenticate for you, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Make a secure payment via PayPal.
You will be asked to send images to our private email address.
STEP 2: Send close up and overall pictures with the highest resolution you can get of the bag to the email address given.
STEP 3: You will receive an email opinion. We aim to serve you within 3 days for regular orders and 24 hours for urgent orders.
In the event that we cannot ascertain the authenticity of the merchandise, we will simply refund your payment via PayPal.