All shipments made by us are done with insurance for any damage that might incur to designer handbags and other items only during the shipping process.
We ship packages within 1-2 business days after receiving the order. Delivery times are based on business days (Mon- Fri except for Holidays).
Packages are delivered by USPS with delivery confirmation.
Once your order has been verified and approved for shipment, it is forwarded for shipping the next business day. You will receive a tracking number shortly after your order is approved for shipment. All packages will be insured for the full value of the purchase.
Confirmed Addresses: If you are paying with PayPal, please include your confirmed address. We ship to confirmed addresses only.
All orders are subject to verification before shipping regardless of the method of shipment chosen.
Notice To All International Customers: Right now we are only shipping to addresses in the United States.